Ten Technology Commandments
Okay so maybe this post is going to come off as being a bit pretentious or whatever, but I feel like there are certain unalienable rules I follow with regards to technology, both as a developer and engineer, and as a consumer and user. So I decided I might as well compile a list of "commandments" based on some of my pet peeves. If you agree, awesome, if not, well...like The Dude says: "That's just, like, your opinion, man."
- Thou shalt ALWAYS include a Dark Mode option.
- Thou shalt ALWAYS use HTTPS.
- Thou shalt ALWAYS use a Password Manager.
- Thou shalt ALWAYS implement AND use Two-Factor Authentication.
- Thou shalt ALWAYS implement FULL Markdown support in thine editors.
- Thou shalt NEVER argue over personal tech preferences (editors, operating systems, languages, etc.)
- Thou shalt ALWAYS Open in New Tab.
- Thou shalt NEVER use weasel-y corporate jargon. Speak plainly, or not at all.
- Thou shalt NEVER crowd thine code with large amounts of comments.
- Thou shalt ALWAYS sanitize thine data inputs.