Ten Technology Commandments

Okay so maybe this post is going to come off as being a bit pretentious or whatever, but I feel like there are certain unalienable rules I follow with regards to technology, both as a developer and engineer, and as a consumer and user. So I decided I might as well compile a list of "commandments" based on some of my pet peeves. If you agree, awesome, if not, well...like The Dude says: "That's just, like, your opinion, man."

  1. Thou shalt ALWAYS include a Dark Mode option.
  2. Thou shalt ALWAYS use HTTPS.
  3. Thou shalt ALWAYS use a Password Manager.
  4. Thou shalt ALWAYS implement AND use Two-Factor Authentication.
  5. Thou shalt ALWAYS implement FULL Markdown support in thine editors.
  6. Thou shalt NEVER argue over personal tech preferences (editors, operating systems, languages, etc.)
  7. Thou shalt ALWAYS Open in New Tab.
  8. Thou shalt NEVER use weasel-y corporate jargon. Speak plainly, or not at all.
  9. Thou shalt NEVER crowd thine code with large amounts of comments.
  10. Thou shalt ALWAYS sanitize thine data inputs.